The accelerating pace of change in knowledge and know-how requires graduates to constantly seek further training leading to qualifications throughout their working lives.

Aware of this challenge, Polytech Intl Group has chosen to offer its graduates and practising professionals a range of short training courses leading to qualifications and/or certification in line with the expectations of companies and the development of the state of the art in scientific, technical and managerial knowledge.
The Skills Development Academy develops a complete range of short courses and national and international certifications, to support students, young graduates, professionals and companies in their efforts to improve their skills, undergo a digital transformation or undergo professional retraining.
Whether they are inter-company (individual training) or intra-company (corporate learning), the training courses offered are at the cutting edge of new technologies, regulatory, managerial and economic news. They are provided by renowned national and international trainers and are constantly updated in response to contingent needs in any context.
ADC is expanding its training offer through an e-learning platform that will be activated in the course of 2020, demonstrating its resilience in the face of the Covid-19 context, which occurred during the start-up phase of the Academy's activity. This strategic response has not only made it possible to overcome the difficulties linked to the pandemic, but above all has accelerated the evolution and diversification of the Academy's offer, to propose, from now on, in addition to face-to-face training sessions, an e-learning variation.
In 2021, we have approached 17 companies that now trust us, attracted 218 learners, provided 481 hours of training, working with some thirty trainers.
Approximately 55% of the training was carried out at a distance.
For more information, you can download our Polytech Intl Group report.