Polytech INTL

Created in 2013, the International Private Polytechnic School of Tunis is a higher education institution founded mainly by institutional actors of the professional world belonging to the Banking, Insurance and Industry sectors.

Polytech Intl's vision of its overall mission was summarised in the following terms:

"To contribute to the training of elites capable of anticipating a changing future and managing a globalised economy.

The values of Pi

1. Diversity: We welcome international students to Polytech Intl, and we facilitate mobility for our students.
2. Respect: an essential value for living together.
3. Transparency
4. Equity: Being a social lift and initiation to sharing.
5. Commitment to the environment and social responsibility: A spirit to be instilled and passed on between generations.

A word from the Director, Dr Imène KACEM

"The success of this institution is the result of the educational excellence displayed by the entire Polytech intl teaching team. It is an honour but also a pleasure to provide all students with personalised support and excellent teaching aimed at learning autonomy, taking initiative but also training in international affairs. Our strong point is to train to international standards via technical certifications adapted to each course and included in the curriculum."

Dr Imène KACEM, Director Polytech INTL

The organisation of Polytech Intl