Industrial Visits Day Industrial Engineering

The 2nd year Industrial Engineering students of Polytech Intl and their department head D.r. Hejer KHLIF visited two companies on 22 April, namely

Mersen ( Nolam) Zone Industrielle Mghira from 9am to 12pm

Caveo automotive (Cotrel) Zonne Industrielle Borj Cédria from 14h30 to 17H.

This initiative is part of Polytech Intl 's opening up to the industrial environment in order to strengthen exchanges with professionals.

A warm welcome was given to our student-engineers and teachers by the company managers as well as by the Polytech Intl student-engineers who are currently doing their end-of-study project placements.

The managers of both companies were kind enough to present the activities of each production unit and the organisation of the production workshops. This allowed the participants to discover the activities and the main technical and organisational issues, as well as to visualise the concrete aspects of production that have already been covered during the course.

The participants were also able to exchange with the Polytech Intl trainees and discover their end-of-studies project.

Stagiare de Caveoautomotive :

Med Aziz BEN AICHA: Implementation of a Kanban system

Stagiares de Mersen:

Morcehdi Habib: Implementation of a Kanban system

Macharoui Hichem: Optimisation of shop resources and implementation of KPI's

Gabsi Hamza: Analysis and minimisation of control operations

ELouni Oussama: Implementation and piloting of a shop management tool

From the richness of the exchanges, we received positive feedback on the quality of teaching and supervision within the school.