Forum des métiers 3.0

Forum des métiers 3.0

On 6 November 2019,Polytech Intl organised the third edition of its annual "Forum des métiers 3.0" forum.

This event is an opportunity for Polytech Intl Group to introduce its students to the business world. More than 20 companieswere present at the 3.0 forumThePolytech Intl Group team would like to warmly thank the companies present!

The day's programme began with a welcome address:

                  - Dr Hejer KHLIF, Head of the Industrial Engineering Department, responsible for the organisation of the careers forum

                 - Dr ImèneKACEM, Director of Polytech Intl

                 - Dr Maledh MARAKCHI, Directorof LBS

followed by the opening of the exhibition.forum_careers_Polytech_intl


In addition to the exhibition, the Human Resources managers and the managers were mobilised to talk to the students in order to present them with innovative jobs, while exhibiting the end-of-study project internships, summer internships and end-of-year projects available in the fields of, for example, IT, management, mechatronics, industrial engineering, management, law and finance, mechatronics, industrial engineering, management, law and finance.



Before the end of the event, Polytech Intl signed a partnership agreement with Axe Finance.


In conclusion, Polytech Intl Group has received promises to conclude work-study partnership agreements.


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