EE-IRM631: Database Programming Language


Database programming language

Evaluation system
CC + Exam
Generic Skills (+)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Specific Skills (+)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
. . .

List of expected learning outcomes :

  • Master the PL/SQL language
  • Know how to implement procedures and stored functions.
  • Know how to handle cursors, exceptions and triggers

Prerequisites: Algorithms & Data Structures (EE-IRM511), Relational Databases (EE-IRM532).

Keywords: PL/SQL.

Teaching aim: This course introduces Oracle PL/SQL and the advantages of this powerful programming language. It shows how to create anonymous PL/SQL blocks and describes stored procedures and functions. It also covers the declaration of identifiers and the interception of exceptions and triggers.

Teaching content :

  1. Lesson 1: PL/SQL Environment
    • Section 1: Block structures of a PL/SQL program
    • Section 2: Declaration section of a PL/ block
      1. Section 2.1: Declaration of local variables of type Oracle and PL/SQL
      2. Section 2.2: Declaration of Oracle and PL/ type constants
  • Section 2.3: Tables
  1. Section 2.4: Declaration of Dynamic Types
  2. Section 2.5: Declaration of external variables to PL/SQL
  • Section 3: Execution section of a PL/SQL block
    1. Section 3.1: Assignment instruction
    2. Section 3.2: External Exchanges
  • Section 3.3: Control Structures iv. Section 3.4: SQL statements in a PL/SQL program
  1. Section 3.5: The PL/SQL language and the SELECT statement
  1. Lesson 2: Subprograms
    • Section 1: Block nesting
    • Section 2: Declaration of a procedure
    • Section 3: Declaration of a function
    • Section 4: Passing parameters
    • Section 5: Calling procedures and functions
    • Section 6: Stored procedures and functions
    • Section 7: Packages
  2. Lesson 3: Cursors
    • Section 1: Explicit Cursor Management
    • Section 2: Implicit cursors
    • Section 3: Parameterized Cursors
  3. Lesson 4: Exceptions
    • Section 1: Pre-defined exceptions
    • Section 2: User exceptions
    • Section 3: Error handling by the environment
  4. Lesson 5: Triggers
    • Section 1: Principle
    • Section 2: Characteristics
    • Section 3: Description of a trigger
    • Section 4: Typology of triggers
    • Section 5: Creating a Trigger
    • Section 6: Event combinations
    • Section 7: Access to lines being modified

Possible projects to be carried out: Management of a library Basic manual(s): Coursepack and interactive course

Bibliography :

[ 1 ] Bales, D. "PL/SQL from Novice to Professional", Apress, New York, 2007

[ 2 ] Feuerstein, S., Pribyl, B. "Oracle PL/SQL Programming", O'Reilly edition, 2009

[ 3 ] Feuerstein, S. "Oracle PL/SQL, programming guide", O'Reilly edition, 1997

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