Web development

Web Development Level 1

Learn or expand your web development skills. Learn # HTML, # CSS, # Javascript, # Javascript DOM

Do you want to learn web development?

Are you just starting out? Or would you like to improve your skills?

Our trainer, Dr. Amira SOLTANI, will take you through everything there is to know about web development, starting from scratch!

No prerequisites, just bring your laptop, because this course is mainly PRACTICAL: You will carry out concrete projects yourself!

So, are you tempted?

Here's what you can expect:

Introduction and set-up

  1. Master # HTML/CSS
  2. Mastering # Javascript/Javascript DOM
  3. Creating a dynamic website

At the end of the course, in only 6 days, and in a good mood, you will become a web developer and you will even be able to make an income thanks to your new skills?

A certificate of validation of the training will be given to you

Tariff 260 DT

To register or to get more information, just fill in this form and one of our advisors will contact you!

You can also contact us at 70 026 426, or by e-mail: amira.soltani@pi.tn

Web Development Level 2

Are you already familiar with web development? Do you want to improve your skills?
Our trainer, Dr. Amira SOLTANI, will make you a confirmed Web developer!
Don't forget your laptop, because this #training is 100% PRACTICAL: You will apply yourself new #technologies related to web development, such as #React, the most popular library today, used by #facebook, #instagram, #Airbnb...
So, tempted?
Here's what's in store for you:
Introduction and Implementation
1- #Javascript
2- Command lines
3- React.
4- #Bootstrap
At the end of the training, in only 7 days, and in a good mood, you will become a confirmed and autonomous Web developer, ready to freelance and have your first clients?

You will receive a certificate of completion of the course.

Price: 340 DT

To register or to get more information, please fill in this form:http://pi.tn/developpement-web/
one of our advisors will contact you

You can also contact us by phone: 70026426 , or by e-mail: amira.soltani@pi.tn