A new way of designing cities and buildings is needed!

A new way of designing cities and buildings is needed!

Corona Virus: A new way of designing cities and buildings is needed!


President of the Tunisian Smart Cities Association 


Interface with technological supports and territorial DATA!

  • A new way of programming and designing buildings of all kinds!
  • A new way of programming and designing the city!
  • Empowerment of territories and cities!
  • Interfaces with technological supports and territorial DATA ( Collection and valorisation : Use in case of sanitary crisis )

The idea is rather to get out of the daily routine and the polemics linked to the CORONA VIRUS and to talk about the potential mutations of the first industry in the world: "Real estate and construction...".

The crisis in which we find ourselves will inevitably modify our ways of working but perhaps also our ways of programming, designing and therefore building and more generally "consuming" buildings:

( Accommodation - Offices - Trade - Education - Hospitals - Transport ... )

This impromptu conference should allow us to exchange ideas in order to anticipate and imagine the "future" of real estate...



( What affects our children )

Schools, colleges, high schools as well as universities and colleges of higher education have all started to use distance learning and it works very well ... without the need for their real estate!

What is to be done with the millions of square metres of rooms, lecture halls, offices and university halls of residence that could be replaced in a few weeks by Telework Applications that cost the price of a single "Apartment - T3"!


How can we not think of the families of 4 people who live confined in three-roomed flats of 60m2?

How can we provide buildings and condominiums with new shared spaces such as teleworking rooms - Coworking Space in addition to the concierge services that are increasingly present in our real estate programs?


The design of health care facilities, whether they are single-family or multi-family units, will certainly include the risks associated with infectious diseases:

  • Access
  • The crossing of flows
  • Clean and dirty circuits
  • Isolation

All of this will allow our health facilities to function normally in times of crisis.


Do we need so much office space? If in a few days we could find a new rhythm of work with digital collaborative tools...

Meeting spaces and offices and virtual ones ... are becoming part of our habits! And it works too!?


Virtual shopping centres +

Urban logistics +


  • The impact on mobility and transport -
  • Reduction of the carbon impact of cities
  • The design of transport infrastructure
  • The transport infrastructure network


  • Self-sufficiency of cities, urban agglomerations and territories ( Food - Water - Energy ... )
  • Urban agriculture
  • Territorial Sovereignty


  • Sovereignty in Digital and Connectivity!
  • Decentralised and Decarbonised DATA
  • A 5G and 6G connectivity at the service of citizens with a collection and a valorisation of the Territorial DATA ... At the service of governments and citizens in order to optimize means and resources and to anticipate problems and crises of all kinds (Health).

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