Integration Week Class of 2019/2020

Integration Week Class of 2019/2020

At Polytech Intl, the 2019/2020 academic year was marked by the organisation of an integration week emphasising the practical aspect of the training, by initiating the students to the realisation of transversal projects that touch the different disciplines(Mechatronics, Business Intelligence, Information System Engineer, Architect, Financial...)

The aim of this initiative was to train new students to understand the real multidisciplinary issues involved in a project.

It was in the context of workshops intended for this occasion that the students invested themselves to show their talent and know-how.

The workshops were open to all students enrolled or pre-registered in the various Polytech Intl group courses and also to those who wished to practice an activity that would enable them to master the development of creative and cutting-edge solutions in an innovative project framework.

During the week, the student had to learn to work in a team and understand the purpose of his or her training.


The initiation took place in an atmosphere of emulation and encouragement from the experienced trainers. At the end of the week, the students presented the results of their projects as a group, satisfied that they had got their hands dirty before the course started.



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